Full Stack Web Development Courses in Rawalpindi,Islamabad

Featured Course

Full Stack Web Development Course

Course Duration

6 Months



Lecture Duration

2 Hrs

Lectures Days


Fee Installment


Complete Fee



2 month



Course Description

Learn Full Stack Website Development Course from the Best Programming Institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad. Programmers Labs is one of the top computer courses Institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad. You will learn full stack website development course from our experienced trainer Mr. Muzammil Qureshi who has 5+ years of experience in front end and backend development. Our students have become an experienced full stack web developer with sound knowledge of programming in front end and backend development in Pakistan. Those who learn programming from Programmers Labs master their skills in front end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend programming (PHP, Laravel). Enroll Now to become a Certified full stack web developer in Rawalpindi Islamabad, Pakistan. After successful completion of the course, you will be awarded with a professional certificate. After the programming course, we also offer a full stack web development internship so you can further enhance your skill set. What is the future of full stack Web Development in Pakistan? full stack Web Development and Designing is one of the most in demand skills worldwide. If you become a pro in coding you can secure high paying jobs in the world of programming. There are a lot of software houses in Pakistan who are in urgent need of experienced programmers. Thanks to Programmers Labs which will help you develop a strong portfolio so you never get rejected and your resume has a high chance of securing jobs. Web Developer salary in Pakistan starts from 25k-40k for junior programmers if you work for local companies or software houses and gradually increases with time as you gain more and more experience. There are plenty of jobs available for professional certified full stack web developers and they are ready to pay you handsome salaries. You can also pursue your career in freelancing as we will also be teaching you how to sell your services on freelancing platforms like fiverr, upwork, freelance.com and there are plenty of agencies offering remote jobs for programmers so you can work for international agencies from the comfort of your home and get good salaries in dollars.

Course Content

  • Introduction to HTML and its role in full stack web development
  • Understanding the structure of an HTML document
  • Creating headings, paragraphs, and line breaks
  • Adding text formatting using tags like bold, italic, and underline
  • Creating lists (ordered and unordered)
  • Inserting and formatting images in full stack web development
  • Creating hyperlinks and linking to external websites
  • Building tables for tabular data
  • Utilizing forms to capture user input
  • Incorporating multimedia elements such as audio and video
  • Implementing semantic HTML tags for improved accessibility and SEO
  • Understanding HTML5 elements and their usage
  • Working with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for styling and layout
  • Embedding and displaying content from external sources (e.g., YouTube videos, social media widgets)
  • Handling HTML entities and special characters for full stack web development
  • Optimizing HTML code for performance and compatibility
  • Introduction to responsive web design principles
  • Validating and troubleshooting HTML markup
  • Best practices for organizing and structuring HTML code for full stack web development
  • Introduction to CSS and its role infull stack web development
  • CSS syntax and selectors
  • Applying styles to HTML elements
  • Working with text and fonts (font properties, text formatting)
  • Box model (margin, padding, border)
  • Positioning and layout (floats, positioning properties, flexbox, grid)
  • CSS colors and backgrounds
  • Working with images and backgrounds
  • Styling links and navigation menus
  • CSS transitions and animations
  • Creating responsive designs (media queries, fluid layouts)
  • CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
  • CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass)
  • CSS architecture and best practices for full stack web development
  • Debugging and troubleshooting CSS code
  • Introduction to Bootstrap and its features
  • Setting up and integrating Bootstrap into web projects for full stack web development
  • Bootstrap grid system and responsive design principles
  • Using Bootstrap's pre-built components (e.g., navigation bars, buttons, forms, modals)
  • Customizing and styling Bootstrap components
  • Working with Bootstrap's responsive utilities (e.g., hiding/showing content, adjusting spacing)
  • Creating responsive layouts using Bootstrap's grid classes
  • Building responsive navigation menus with Bootstrap's Navbar component for full stack web development
  • Utilizing Bootstrap's form components and validation features
  • Implementing responsive image and video content with Bootstrap
  • Creating responsive card layouts and content containers
  • Incorporating Bootstrap's modal windows for displaying interactive content
  • Implementing Bootstrap's carousel for image sliders and content rotation
  • Introduction to Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins (e.g., tooltips, popovers)
  • Customizing Bootstrap themes and using third-party Bootstrap themes
  • Optimizing and troubleshooting Bootstrap code for full stack web development
  • Introduction to JavaScript and its role in full stack web development course
  • JavaScript syntax and basic programming concepts
  • Working with variables, data types, and operators
  • Control flow and conditional statements (if/else, switch)
  • Looping and iteration (for loop, while loop)
  • Functions and reusable code
  • Working with arrays and manipulating array data
  • Manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model) with JavaScript
  • Event handling and responding to user interactions for full stack web development course
  • Working with forms and form validation
  • Working with JSON and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
  • Asynchronous programming and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  • Error handling and debugging JavaScript code
  • Working with JavaScript libraries and frameworks (e.g., jQuery)
  • Introduction to modern JavaScript features (ES6 and beyond)
  • Introduction to JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js)
  • Optimizing JavaScript code for performance for full stack web development course
  • Security considerations and best practices in JavaScript
    J Query
  • Introduction to jQuery and its role in web development
  • jQuery syntax and selectors for full stack web development
  • Manipulating HTML elements and CSS styles with jQuery
  • Event handling and responding to user interactions
  • Animating elements and creating transitions with jQuery
  • Working with DOM traversal and manipulation methods
  • Managing and manipulating data using jQuery
  • Performing AJAX requests and handling responses
  • Using jQuery plugins and extending functionality
  • Implementing form validation with jQuery
  • Creating interactive user interfaces and widgets with jQuery UI
  • Optimizing jQuery code for performance
  • Troubleshooting common issues and debugging jQuery code for full stack web development
  • Introduction to Postman its very helpful for full stack web development
  • Creating and managing API requests
  • Setting request headers and parameters
  • Testing and debugging APIs
  • Working with response data
    Website Uploading
  • Web Hosting: Understand the concept of web hosting for making websites accessible online.
  • FTP: Learn about File Transfer Protocol and its role in uploading files to a web server.
  • FTP Clients: Use FTP client software like FileZilla to establish a connection between your computer and the server.
  • Connect and Upload: Enter server credentials in the FTP client and transfer website files to the server's directory.
  • Troubleshooting: Address common issues and ensure proper file organization and permissions for successful uploading.
  • Freelancing

    This Course also included Freelancing training
  • Understanding the freelancing industry and its benefits
  • Exploring different freelancing platforms and marketplaces
  • Crafting an effective freelancer profile
  • Showcasing skills, experience, and portfolio
  • Strategies for finding and attracting clients
  • Effective communication and negotiation skills for full stack web development
  • Writing compelling proposals and bids
  • Building a reputation and client referrals
  • Setting rates and pricing your services
    MySQL Fundamentals
  • Introduction to MySQL: Learn the basics of MySQL and its role in database management for full stack web development.
  • Database Creation: Explore the process of creating databases and tables in MySQL.
  • Data Types: Understand various data types used in MySQL and their applications.
  • SQL Queries: Dive into SQL syntax and learn how to retrieve, update, and manipulate data.
  • Indexes and Optimization: Explore indexing techniques for improved query performance.
  • Advanced MySQL Concepts full stack web development
  • Transactions and ACID Properties: Master transaction management and data integrity.
  • Stored Procedures: Create reusable database routines using stored procedures.
  • Triggers and Events: Implement triggers and scheduled events for automation.
  • Views and Subqueries: Work with views and subqueries to simplify complex queries.
  • Full-Text Search: Learn to perform full-text searches in MySQL databases.
  • Design and Optimization for full stack web development
  • Normalization and Denormalization: Understand database design best practices.
  • Performance Tuning: Optimize MySQL server settings and queries for speed.
  • Data Import and Export: Import and export data from MySQL databases.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Develop robust backup and recovery strategies.
  • Security and Access Control: Implement user authentication and authorization.
  • MySQL Integration for full stack web development
  • PHP and MySQL Integration: Connect MySQL databases with PHP web applications.
  • Web Services and APIs: Build APIs to interact with MySQL databases.
  • Data Migration: Learn techniques for migrating data to and from MySQL.
  • Real-time Data Synchronization: Implement real-time data updates and synchronization.
  • Real-World Projects for full stack web development
  • Content Management System (CMS): Build a dynamic CMS using MySQL as the backend.
  • E-commerce Website: Create a secure e-commerce platform with MySQL for product data.
  • Data Analytics Dashboard: Develop a data analytics dashboard with MySQL as the data source.
  • Inventory Management: Build an inventory management system with database integration.
  • Best Practices and Tips for full stack web development
  • Version Control for Databases: Implement version control for database changes.
  • Database Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation for your databases.
  • Scaling and High Availability: Explore strategies for scaling MySQL and ensuring high availability.
  • MySQL in the Cloud: Learn about cloud-based MySQL solutions and deployment options.
    ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals for full stack web development
  • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC: Get acquainted with the ASP.NET MVC framework and its role in web application development.
  • MVC Architecture: Understand the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and its significance.
  • Creating Your First MVC Application: Explore the process of creating a basic MVC application.
  • Routing and URLs: Learn about routing in MVC and how it maps URLs to controller actions.
  • Views and Razor Syntax: Dive into views, Razor syntax, and creating dynamic web pages.
  • Working with Models for full stack web development
  • Model Binding: Understand model binding to simplify handling user input.
  • Validation: Implement data validation in your MVC application.
  • ViewModels: Create and use ViewModels to separate concerns between views and controllers.
  • Data Access with Entity Framework: Explore Entity Framework for database interactions.
  • Controllers and Actions for full stack web development
  • Controllers and Actions: Learn how controllers and actions handle requests and responses.
  • Filters: Implement filters for handling cross-cutting concerns like authentication and logging.
  • Areas: Organize your application into areas for modular development.
  • Dependency Injection: Understand and implement dependency injection in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Advanced ASP.NET MVC Concepts for full stack web development
  • Authentication and Authorization: Secure your application with authentication and authorization techniques.
  • Web API Integration: Build RESTful APIs using ASP.NET MVC for communication with client applications.
  • Real-time Features: Implement real-time features using SignalR or WebSocket integration.
  • Caching: Improve performance by implementing caching strategies.
  • Front-end Development
  • Client-side Libraries: Integrate client-side libraries like jQuery and Bootstrap into your MVC application.
  • Responsive Design: Create responsive web designs for various devices and screen sizes.
  • JavaScript Framework Integration: Explore integration with JavaScript frameworks like Angular or React.
  • Deployment and Hosting for full stack web development
  • Deployment Strategies: Learn various deployment strategies for ASP.NET MVC applications.
  • Hosting Options: Understand hosting options, including on-premises and cloud-based solutions.
  • Scaling and Load Balancing: Explore strategies for scaling and load balancing your MVC application.
  • Real-World Projects
  • Blog Platform: Build a feature-rich blog platform using ASP.NET MVC.
  • E-commerce Website: Create a secure e-commerce website with product listings and shopping cart functionality.
  • Task Management System: Develop a task management system with user authentication and task tracking.
  • Forum or Discussion Board: Build a forum or discussion board for online community interaction.
  • Best Practices and Tips for full stack web development
  • Unit Testing: Implement unit tests for your MVC application to ensure code quality.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Set up error handling and logging mechanisms for effective debugging.
  • Version Control: Utilize version control systems like Git for source code management.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize your MVC application for speed and efficiency.


After successfully completing the course, students will be awarded a certificate of full stack web development completion course


During the internship, students will be assigned a market-level project that simulates real-world scenarios, providing them with practical experience and enhancing their employability. This project will enable students to showcase their skills and demonstrate their ability to tackle industry-specific challenges, significantly increasing their prospects for finding a job in the field

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